Thursday, March 3, 2016

What Does A Dog Groomer Do?

A dog groomer is a person who attends to your dog, so that the dog looks better, is healthier and is more comfortable. When you take your dog in to the groomer the first order of business is to give the dog a good brushing to rid the coat of the dog from loose and shedding hair. Find an Austin dog groomer here.

Next, the groomer will give a good bath for Fido. This gets the skin and hair clean and free of tangles and foreign bodies that like to cling. A mild shampoo is usually used and a thorough drying is applied right away. Special attention is paid to the feet and the ears of the dog, to be sure that any dirt that is clinging is washed away.

Finally, the clipping of Fido's nails is a special priority, as dog's toenails seem to grow like crazy, and many pet owners leave them too long, making it difficult for their pet to walk. Nails should be short enough to just barely stick out. Once all this is completed, a final brushing to bring out any additional loose hair and Fido will be ready to leave and go home, feeling fresh and ready to play.

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